Katana Caza Mayor

Cazadora de La Katana ( Agata )
Registration No. DO -000012/06W, JKC
Registration No. V.DO -00006/06, KCJ
( Ch.JPN. Quore of Katana Caza Mayor × Imp. Arg., CD-1, CD-2, Dulce Grosella de Agallas )
( Owner Kiyohiko Nakamaru, Honor Adviser & Hunting Adviser of D.A.C.J.)

On photo 2 months and 9 days

Mr. Kiyohiko Nakamaru, the owner of Cazadora de La Katana is the best hunter useing Dogo Argentino in Japan.
He has got 70 wild boars for a year. He is an experienced hunter, and he is hunting all over the world now.

On photo 2 months and 9 days

Cazadora with Gaucho

On photo 2 months and 10 days

On photo 3 months and 24 days old
at Hunter Mr. Nakamaru's Kennel

More Photo >  1  2  3  4  5

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